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Multipurpose Incinerator System in Ahmedabad

Multipurpose Incinerator System


In India, MoEF, GoI (1998) has notified Bio-medical Waste (management & Handling) Rules -1998,which describes ten categories viz., Human Anatomical Waste; Animal Waste; Microbiology & Biotechnology Waste; Waste Sharps; Discarded Medicines and Cytotoxic Drugs; Solid Waste; Liquid Waste; Incineration Ash and Chemical Waste. Many regulatory definitions of regulated medical waste are based on ten broad categories defined in a guide on infectious waste management. The ten categories are: Cultures and Stocks; Anatomical Wastes (or Human Pathological Wastes); Human Blood, Blood Products, and Other Bodily Fluids; Sharps; Animal Wastes; Isolation Wastes; Contaminated Medical Equipment; Surgery Wastes; Laboratory Wastes; and Dialysis Wastes . DISPOSAL IN 5 OUT OF 10 CATEGORIES OF SCHEDULE #1 OF BIO-MEDICAL WASTE (MANAGEMENT & HANDLING) RULES, 1998 RECOMMENDS INCINERATION